
Mariana is a God-send. Not only has she helped me and my entire family get through multiple bouts of the dreaded covid virus but she has also worked with me on several chronic issues I’ve dealt with for years. Her tireless research and effort to find a protocol/plan that works for my issues is nothing less than miraculous. If something didn’t work initially, she would research further until she made a plan that did. She was so patient and thorough with her directions and suggestions. I’m well on my way to recovering from a lifetime of weight issues, under-active thyroid, and anxiety and I’ve never felt better. She has given me the tools to continue to heal myself and live a healthier life. I would highly recommend to her to anyone that wants to take charge of their own healing.

Christine R
Lexington, North Carolina
Doctor Mariana is a very intelligent and knowledgeable caring person. Her love for the wellbeing of others is immeasurable. I consult her on all aspects of nutrition and disease prevention and I always trust her advice. She is driven to find holistic, healthy ways to help our bodies heal and to prevent further problems.Thanks to Doctor Mariana, I was able to change my daily diet and learned about the importance of healthy nourishment. She firmly believes in eating right and using the highest quality nutritional vitamins and supplements available in order to live a happier and healthy life.Since I began following my personal lifestyle plan, I started seeing results. I have developed lifestyle changes which will benefit me for the rest of my life. Thank you Doctor Mariana!

Collierville, Tennessee

After extended medical treatment and tests with no diagnosis or answers for unexplainable pain, fever, and fatigue, a trusted friend told me about her personal success with Mariana MacDougall. God placed Mariana in my path at just the right time, because I had exhausted all known medical possibilities. Mariana diligently poured over my medical information, thoroughly researched, and specifically proposed a personalized plan for me using natural supplements, appropriate herbs, and improved nutrition. Through her selfless dedication, tremendous support, and continuing encouragement, my quality of life has greatly improved.  I am truly thankful and blessed to have had Mariana’s guidance. Now I consider her my friend. Mariana’s help and assistance is greatly appreciated and has even benefited my family and friends. I highly recommend Mariana for any health questions you may have. 

Kathy P
Hola soy Daniel:
Nuestra historia familiar gracias a Dios es muy simple, y con un desenlace feliz, con diversos matices que nos llevaron a conocer a Mariana y la nombro así y no doctora Mariana, ya que por sobre todo lo gran profesional que es, mucho más lo es como persona, demostrado en cada comunicación que nos llevó desde el desconocimiento de su persona, a considerarla una integrante de nuestro núcleo familiar, a tal punto que después de 2 años seguimos en contacto, intercambiando conocimientos y terapias alternativas para el bien de los que nos rodean.Y en este punto quiero hacer hincapié sobre este tema. Los métodos y remedios que normalmente se usan en medicina, en muchos casos ayudan. Pero en el concepto de inmediatez de resultados, nos volcamos a los fármacos sintéticos que no solo enmascaran en muchas ocasiones el problema, sino que no arrancan de raíz la enfermedad.Una mirada divergente, (usar este tipo de habilidades mentales nos permite abrir la mente a distintos caminos para poder hallar múltiples soluciones a un mismo problema), con más amplitud, otra disposición, es estar abiertos también a los no convencionales, aquellos que de una u otra forma heredamos de nuestros antepasados con el uso de métodos naturales. Muchas veces más eficaces, no agresivos y que no tienen efectos adversos, por el solo hecho de ser natural. Con los que Mariana convive y usa, en una armonía y efectividad descollante.Cuando establecimos la primer comunicación con Mariana y comienza a atendernos, de los 8 integrantes de la familia nos habíamos contagiado 6, que con el tiempo nos dimos cuenta de lo leve que nos atacó, gracias a lo rapidez y efectividad de tratamiento con que actuó, respecto a otros casos que nos rodeaban más virulentos. Y al cabo de 7 días, ya estábamos en buenas condiciones de salud.Con la calidez, entrega y profesionalidad que la caracteriza, día a día nos guiaba llevando tranquilidad, bienestar y salud, ocupándose de cada integrante en persona, dato nada menor.A medida que transcurría el tiempo y mejorábamos, nos dimos cuenta de lo importante de tener cerca, por más que sea a la distancia, a un PROFESIONAL de la talla de Mariana, lo cual estaremos agradecidos toda la vida de haber dado con su persona.Debemos reconocer esta situación que nos puso en alerta mundial, ya que sin esta circunstancia, nunca hubiéramos conocido a Mariana, un persona dispuesta, empática, comprometida con el dolor ajeno y así podría seguir con calificativos hacia su persona.Solo nos queda nuestro reconocimiento y bendiciones por su labor, en favor de los beneficios y recuperación recibidos.Gracias Mariana de todo corazón, la familia entera te lo agradece.

Daniel R
San Juan, Argentina
What started off as a journey to heal my son’s cough turned out to be a healing of a much deeper degree.
For 2 years my son, who is 4 years old, suffered from a chronic cough since he had covid. I had taken him to lung specialists which were all quick to just give him asthma pumps. The last specialist we went to didn’t even check his lungs and just gave him the typical albuterol pump. One time one of the pumps was so strong it had my son limping, I immediately cut him off of that and had begun my quest to find a different alternative because I knew all of these medicines were just masking the problem not getting to the core of it. I was introduced to Dr MacDougall by a friend, who had also treated her family. All I can say is that I thought I was going to Marianna to just treat my sons cough, little didn’t I realize that his other issues, of barely eating, and his behavioral issues were all related. AS son as we started working with Dr MacDougall she asked me a series of questions, and she son realized that his his cough not only had come from Covid, but from the chickenpox vaccine my son had received the same day not knowing my son had Covid. When we first started the treatment, on the very first week, my son’s appetite opened. My son would barely eat, his diet consisted of bread, bananas, pasta, and meatballs, there was nothing else we could get him to eat. During the first week we saw a tremendous change, he started to eat foods he would never touch before. And know after 4 months I can say my son eats, soups, lentils, beans, different types of vegetables and will try anything we’ll give him. We even go out and he asks where his food is.
Not only did we see a difference with his food, but his speech became more coherent, whereas before he would say things that were completely unrelated. And now he is having in depth conversations. Another change we saw was in his behavior. In the beginning of the year our son was asked to have a shadow to be with him because of his lack of attention and extreme behavior. Since then he started a new school and since his treatments, everyday he’s gotten better, and comes home with stars for his behavior.Everyday I am seeing positive changes in my son, changes that I never thought would happen when I first reached out to Dr MacDougall. IF you are considering treatment this is the real deal and please make sure to follow what she says to the T.
I have learned so much from her and continue to do so, so much so that I have taken a completely different approach to things, especially now with my 6 month old daughter.

Evi Siskos
United States
Hi my name is Lexie and I wanted to share mine and my family’s testimony with you. My daughter who is 2 years old, my husband and myself were all sick at the time with multiple different illnesses. My daughter who was sick first developed COVID, Strep throat and a few days later PANDAS/PANS. We didn’t know what to do. But my husband’s mother had a friend who recommended Dr. Mariana. She’s known her for years so I gave it a try. I messaged Dr. Mariana and told her what was going on and she called me immediately. She diagnosed her and then gave us all the information we needed to know. A week after my daughter was sick, we got sick, and she did the same for us.
She told me exactly what to do and helped ease my mind that my family was going to be okay. There isn’t anything more worrisome than a baby who is sick running fevers and can’t tell you what is wrong. Now anytime anyone is sick in my household we call Dr.Mariana. She is a blessing to our family. Thank you so much for all you do! You are an amazing person!

Lexie Benson
Lexington, North Carolina
This is my testimony with Mariana’s expertise and knowledge. My husband had a skin tag removed which turned into a really bad infection/ sore. i contacted Mariana about what to do, she advised to do the following, CS soaked gauze with manuka honey and castor oil as moisturizer . Took two weeks to get the sore to heal, but it did! it was really scary there for a while because the stitches came out and ripped the skin apart, the wound was about 3 inches long and two inches deep. The skin now looks beautiful, and you wouldn’t even be able to tell that there was anything wrong with it. Thank you Mariana!!!

Nelly Bifano
Cheney, Washington
I have struggled with reoccurring infection in my foot for about 8 years, I was on all sorts of antibiotics. One time I had to have an IV of antibiotics just to keep the infection away. This was a 17-year-old injury. I was really getting sick and tired of taking drugs that didn’t do anything for me. I contacted Mariana for her protocol and see if she could help me because i was becoming frustrated with my condition. Doctors didn’t have an answer for me for 17 years!!! They kept giving me a “band aid”. Mariana suggested I take high dose of vit c (10,000 iu) and vit D3 along with other herbs and vitamins. She suggested I drink colloidal silver as well, I believe the silver did the trick, for once in my 8 years of taking antibiotics I can now say I do not have to take them anymore and my infection is completely gone. Mariana helped me heal my foot in a matter of 2 months VS the drugs I was on for 17 years and they didn’t even do anything for me but make my stomach hurt and infection coming back. I am now frustration free and a walking miracle (literally), Mariana helped me get my life back and my injury healed. I can’t believe my infection is gone after two months. Thank you!

Spokane, Washington
Cannot say enough GOOD things in a testimonial. Mariana’s knowledge of disease and healing is only excelled by her kindness, compassion and diligence. She never fails to return a call with a query. NHS UK gave my best friend “6 months to live and no further treatment”. Here we are, well passed “best before date”! Still alive, kicking and kicking butt with “incurable cancer” . I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for myself, my family and friends.

Juliet Chandler
My first appointment with Mariana was in 2022. At that time I was having severe back issues, specifically herniated discs between L4 and L5 and L5 and S1. Additionally, I was having back spasms and pain down my leg. From that, she recommended several vitamins and supplements that I took immediately after our consultation. After a few months that followed, I was free from pain. It was a miracle. I had sought treatment from several pain management doctors, neurosurgeons, as well as physical therapists—all to no avail and still having pain afterwards. But Mariana‘s regiment worked!

Fast forward to 2024, I tested positive for COVID for the second time. The first time I had the virus I was sick for almost 3 weeks. With my more recent COVID infection, I did not want to go through that long of a time period with those severe symptoms, so I called Mariana for help. She spent about an hour listening to my issues and symptoms. Then she put me on a list of vitamins and supplements. Although I had a rough initial few days, I was symptom free within 3 days! Moreover, she checked up on me every day and made slight adjustments to my vitamin intake that worked splendidly. If it wasn’t for her I would have had at least another 2 weeks of misery.

Mariana believes in a methodical, proven approach to an array of maladies. If you have a lingering issue or an all-of-a-sudden sickness don’t hesitate. Contact her immediately!

Vince J
Memphis, TN
Mariana has helped me a lot with my issues.

Peter Bolt
Mariana has had a significant impact on my life, providing me with the support and understanding I needed. Her personalized and empathetic approach has been key to helping me overcome my challenges. I am forever grateful for everything Mariana has done to help me improve and the incredible follow-up she has had with me. She took the time to understand my entire environment to better comprehend what was happening to me and to know how she could help. She is an extremely intelligent, capable, and caring person. After many ineffective medical treatments and misdiagnoses, Mariana was able to understand what was happening to me. Mariana has been instrumental in my improvement, overcoming challenges. Her commitment and care have made all the difference.

Makena Garcia
San Juan, Argentina